Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I learned something the other day and it didn't sink in until this today.  I have some trust issues going on.  I get defensive, angry and doubtful sometimes.  I only FEEL like I have trust issues with people.  But I read something that said if you don't trust people or yourself you don't trust God.  Because God directs you and guides you.  He takes care of you.  Today that clicked for me.  I have no clue why it just clicked today, my mind is like that.  All of a sudden things just click for no apparent reason.  :)  So now I am pursuing a deep relationship with God and asking Him to bring my defenses down and help me receive His love.  Also I had no idea I didn't trust God.  I felt like I trusted Him.  But that shows me something else I learned recently.  That feelings are fickle and they will lie to you.  In this instance my feelings told me I trusted God when I didn't.  They can also tell me that I can't trust myself or people in my life...I know this is a lie.  You have to do what you need to do by faith and not by your feelings.  I read today in a Joyce Meyer book that you don't have to feel like you can do something in order to do it.  You can say I trust God or whoever even if you don't feel like it.  Or I forgive this person even if you don't FEEL like it.  Your feelings will follow later.  Just keep saying it and doing it.  Today God gave this verse to remember throughout the day. It's Proverbs 3:5  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Joyce Meyer has it said like this....short and sweet statement that you can say out loud when you find yourself losing trust or worrying.  Proverbs 3:5 I trust God completely; there is no need to worry.  Please say this out really does help.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Confident Woman

I started reading a book by Joyce Meyer called The Confident Woman.  My cousins in California and I are reading it together and discussing it each week on facebook.  Which I am really excited about!  I've only read the first section of the first chapter and so much jumped out to me.  First it says that she believes confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do - and not worrying over what you can't do.  She mentions that confident people do not concentrate on their weaknesses; they develop and maximize their strengths.  As soon as I read that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to how I was living.  I always focus on my weaknesses!  I buy books to fix my weaknesses!  I realized I don't know any of my strengths.  Here is an example that was in the book.  You can be a 3 at something and try to fix it so it can move to a 5.  But you have a strength that is an 8 that you could make a 10.  I try to fix the 3! And totally ignore the 8!  One more thing that I realized that is very important in being confident.  Our confidence must be in Christ alone, not in ourselves or other people.  That set me free to be confident!  I mean I've heard all my life to be confident in Christ but this time I heard it I really let it sink in and it clicked.  I've had troubles being confident because I've been so beat down and have had such low self esteem that I thought anything good about myself I was being prideful.  So this new perspective and being confident because your confident in Jesus was very eye opening and freeing!  Hopefully this has helped you some today.  God is doing amazing things in my life right now!  Freeing and healing are just a couple big things!  If you are struggling with anything just know that Jesus is there waiting on you to reach out to Him.  :)