Thursday, July 26, 2012

Food Recovery

Good morning! So yesterday evening I went a little overboard with the eating.  I caved to my desires to eat bad and so Jason picked up some Panda Express on the way home from work for dinner.  Usually it tastes sooooo good.  But you know what?  It wasn't that good.  I'm hoping it's my healthier eating habits making my taste buds change.  :)  I also indulged in some ice cream and chocolate syrup last night after dinner.  The ice cream wasn't bad, I believe it was the chinese that got me!  This morning I am feeling it!  I woke up bloated and feeling it too.  I think a recovery day is needed!  Oh and I gained that pound and a half back I lost the other day.  :( So sad.  I'll lose it again though!  Hopefully.  ;)

So the plan for today!  Eat a good healthy breakfast. Check!
This stuff is soooo good!  I've recently been adding fresh blueberries and it makes it even better!

Eat low sodium foods all day and a lot of fresh fruit.  Only one small dessert. :)
That means this baby is getting chopped up today! :) mmmmmmm I can't wait!
Oh and lots of water!
Along with some pilates workouts today.  I think I'm covered with the healthy day to recover my body.

Another important thing to keep healthy is your spirit.  I've been realizing that focusing on exercising and pushing through is making me better at focusing in my spiritual walk.  It's all connected.  Your spirit, mind and body.  It all works together and we need to keep it all healthy.  Especially our spirit.  So spending some time with my awesome God and Jesus this morning is first on the list.  My emotions get the best of me a lot if I don't spend some alone time with Him and gain my strength from Him.  God is truly amazing!  :)   Now I'm off to get my day started!  I hope you guys have a blessed and healthy day!

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